購物網口碑Sounds Good 2-e (2) Student Book獨家款
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內容簡介: Description
博客來書店Sounds Good 2nd Edition helps learners of English develop a wide range of listening skills needed in social situations and academic contexts. Each book has 12 units based on popular themes that reflect global lifestyles and perspectives.
?Varied Listening Extracts
offer students a wealth of opportunities to hear English in different contexts
?Carefully Graded Tasks
give students a lot of language support and train them to listen carefully
?Pronunciation Sections
assist students in tuning into the sounds and rhythm of native speech
?TOEIC? Review Tests
help students achieve success in the real world
?Grammar Points
give students a strong foundation in critical grammar required by tests such as TOEIC?
?Culture Notes
explore different aspects of life and culture around the world
國際經濟學 | 物理與金融經濟學:e世代之新經濟觀點 | 為誰作嫁?-經濟學、市場和改革 | |||
二技甄試:經濟學綜合剖析題型演練 | 震撼主義:災難經濟的興起 | 經濟學 | |||
強港箴言─經濟篇 | 經濟學典範 | 個體經濟學原理(第二版) |
- 新功能介紹 作者: Ken Beatty, Peter Thinkler
- 出版社:東華 新功能介紹
- 出版日期:2016/04/15
- 語言:英文
購物網口碑Sounds Good 2-e (2) Student Book獨家款
宮諜(三) | 宮諜(四)完 | 帝凰(五) | |||
帝凰(六)完 | 天命皇妃亂君心 上卷:青樓絕色 | 天命皇妃亂君心 中卷:邪魅皇子 | |||
盛世醫女 終卷 貴女得良嫁 | 見觀發財 終卷 罪婦大過天 | 會員登入 | |||
老公不太熟 | 正氣老公 | 望門閨秀 4 |
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